Thursday, March 09, 2006

Barry Bonds: Crapping all over baseball

The Daily Show does a hysterical piece on Barry Bonds. Go to Pinstripe Alley and check it out.

By the way? I haaaaate Bonds. He's a fucking cheater and he's ruining baseball. Sure, he's got a lot of help in that department but he's pretty close to the single worst offender. I hope his heart craps out on him and he has to spend eternity in Hell having Ty Cobb beat the shit out of him.

P.S. I just found out that They Might Be Giants did the theme song for The Daily Show. Yeah, I'm sure you already knew that, but I still think it's cool.


At 6:39 AM, Blogger grimbrim said...

Looks like I will still be getting some use out of those "Junkie" signs I made for the Padres VS Giants games last year..

At 5:22 PM, Blogger stefanie said...

I'll give you a dollar to put them on his gravestone in a year...

At 11:02 AM, Blogger grimbrim said...



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