Insert Hammer Joke Here
Last week I used my hammer. Why I used it isn't important; what's important is that when I was done with it, I set it down where it didn't belong.
I remember saying to myself, "Self, if you leave the hammer there, you won't be able to find it the next time you need it."
And my self said back, "It's cool; I'll just set it right here with the handle kinda sticking out. You'll see it and put it away later."
So tonight I needed the hammer again. And of course I couldn't find it. I looked all over the place and it was not sticking out of any shelf, tabletop, or anything else in the apartment.
Finally, I remembered what I'd used the hammer for, which meant it was somewhere in the office. The office I'd rearranged recently. There was only one other shelf in the office that I hadn't checked. Look at the last post and see if you can guess what it was.
Figured it out? Of course you did. It was the printer stand, the one that now has four casters, which make it super easy to spin completely around so the shelf that had a hammer sticking out in front now has a hammer sticking out in back. Gaaaah.
Ah, well. I found it and got my calendar hung (yes, I know it's April. Shut up.) and the hammer is now in the toolbox where it belongs.